Start Up: Small Town Edition - One Week In

Follow the journey from start to finish of a small business startup in a small town.

Here’s what’s happened in the first week of announcing the Speedy Eats launch:

  • Gained almost 400 followers on our Facebook page

  • Featured in two local newspapers

  • Featured in two live segments on the local television station

  • Suppliers calling us to have their products included in our unit

  • Potential customers asking about the menu everywhere we go

I want to focus, though, on the marketing aspects of how we can take advantage of this moment and how you can apply it to your business as well.

Living in a small town has its perks, and one of the biggest is the opportunity for local businesses to grab the spotlight. Local news outlets are always on the lookout for stories, and when your business gets featured, it’s like striking gold. Let me tell you how we turned a few media mentions into a marketing treasure trove for Speedy Eats, and how you can do the same.

Speedy Eats: A Case Study in Maximizing Free Publicity

When we were gearing up to launch the first Speedy Eats unit, we knew we had something special. We teased the community with behind-the-scenes footage and updates, building anticipation. When the big day came, we announced the launch, and boom—our story was picked up by multiple local newspapers and the local news station.

Suddenly, we were the talk of the town. But we didn’t just let that buzz fade away. We turned that free publicity into long-term marketing assets that keep paying off.

Leveraging Social Proof

One of the best ways to use media coverage is as social proof. It’s like having someone else say, “These guys are legit.” Here’s how we did it with Speedy Eats:

- Website Showcases: We will create a “Press” section on our website where we will display articles and video segments about our launch. This isn’t just about patting ourselves on the back—it’s about showing potential customers that we’re the real deal.

- Social Media Highlights: We shared clips and screenshots of our media coverage on our social media profiles. Every share was a new touchpoint with our audience, reminding them that we’re making waves.

- Email Newsletters: We included mentions of our media coverage in our email newsletters. This kept our existing customers informed and impressed new subscribers with our growing reputation.

Creating Engaging Content

Media coverage provides a goldmine of content that you can repurpose. Here’s how we will turn our 15 minutes of fame into a continuous content stream:

- Blog Posts: We wrote blog posts that went deeper into our story. We shared the journey of developing the technology and the excitement of the launch. This not only kept our audience engaged but also attracted new readers to our website.

- Video Content: We used clips from the TV segments in our promotional videos. A highlight reel of media appearances adds a layer of credibility that’s hard to beat.

- Case Studies: We created detailed case studies of our media coverage. These are great for attracting new clients or partners who are interested in our success story.

Building Authority and Recognition

Being featured in local news outlets can carry a lot of weight. Here’s how we leveraged that recognition:

- Website Badges: We displayed badges from the publications that featured us. “As seen in [Local Newspaper]” adds a layer of trust that words alone can’t.

- Promotional Materials: We included mentions of our media features in our brochures and sales presentations. This builds trust with new customers and partners.

- Events and Public Speaking: We mentioned our media coverage when speaking at local events. This not only strengthens our authority but also adds prestige to our brand.

Building Community and Engagement

Local media coverage can help build a sense of community around your brand. Here’s what we did:

- Partnerships: We used our media coverage to start conversations with other local businesses and community leaders. This opened up new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

- Feedback and Interaction: We encouraged our audience to share their thoughts on the media coverage. This was done through social media polls and comments, keeping the conversation going.

SEO and Online Presence

Repurposing media coverage can boost your online presence. Here’s how we did it:

- Backlinks: Local media websites often have high domain authority. Getting backlinks from these sites to our website boosted our SEO rankings.

- Content Updates: We regularly updated our website and blog with new content from our media appearances. Search engines love fresh content, and this kept us at the top of search results.

- Keyword Optimization: We used keywords related to our media coverage in our content. This attracted organic traffic from people interested in our story.

Free publicity is more than just a moment in the spotlight—it’s a powerful tool for long-term marketing success. By leveraging social proof, creating engaging content, building authority, fostering community engagement, and boosting your online presence, you can maximize the benefits of media coverage. Just like we did with Speedy Eats, you can turn your media mentions into lasting assets that continue to drive growth and credibility.

Ready to turn your media coverage into marketing gold? Learn from our experience with Speedy Eats and start planning your strategy today. The spotlight is yours—make the most of it!