The Ruralpreneur #5 - Red Ocean, Blue Ocean

Empowering small town entrepreneurs to expand their businesses using digital tools and ecommerce

Who’s had a significant impact on your life that you could show gratitude today? Tell somebody thank you for the impact they’ve had on your life. It always feels good to be acknowledged, but it feels even better to acknowledge others.

🎧Listen or watch: The Ruralpreneur Podcast episode 2 has launched on Youtube and Spotify

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Building A Business On Zoom

Have you ever felt like you have the gift of teaching others? Well, that’s what Hannah Gambe knew she was meant to do when finally making the decision to launch her online education business and she hasn’t looked back since.

Living in Natchez, Mississippi (population 13,000), Hannah teaches individuals all over the country how to work from home in the trucking industry by becoming dispatchers or brokers. She uses Zoom to host educational classes, one on one strategy sessions, and live look ins at real calls so the students can shadow what it’s like to do the work.

Now having taught over 250 students herself, Hannah is continuing to build her educational company offering other courses and educational solutions while also being able to maintain the quality of life that we all find when living in a small town. To hear the full story, you’ll need to listen or watch the latest episode of The Ruralpreneur podcast.


Dive Deep

Traditionally, rural entrepreneurs grappled with local market constraints. But today, with the digital shift, the global market is just a click away. Enter the Blue Ocean Strategy.

Bold Strategy Cotton GIF by MOODMAN


Conceptualized by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, the Blue Ocean Strategy inspires businesses to:

  • Look Beyond the Usual: Instead of competing in crowded markets (red oceans), it suggests exploring fresh, untapped markets (blue oceans).

  • Stand Out: In these blue oceans, competition is minimal because the market space is novel and largely unexplored.

For rural entrepreneurs, this isn't just about going online; it's about discovering and offering something truly unique. In essence, dive into your blue ocean, where opportunities are vast and competition is scarce! 🌊🌟


You Have More Bad Ideas Than Good Ones

How often do you have an idea that sounds great in your mind and pursue it only to realize that it was awful?

As a big thinker who has lots of business and marketing ideas, I often would build up these “amazing” ideas in my mind and go implement them without actually checking to see if they were truly any good or not. I’ve fallen flat on my face more often than not.

Have no fear, though. I have a method that you can use to ensure that your ideas are filtered before going to the implementation stage. This is going to save you a lot of time, effort, and feelings of failure. It’s called….


But he was pierced for our transgressions;

he was crushed for our iniquities;

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,

and with his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)