The Ruralpreneur #17 - Which Type of Entrepreneur Are You?

Empowering small town entrepreneurs to expand their businesses using digital tools and ecommerce

🎧 NEW! Listen or watch: A new podcast episode has launched on Youtube and Spotify…. This one is with Zach Francis and we discuss his unique experiences with AI, HGTV, and Tiny Houses all while living in a small town!

We just launched an account on Instagram so join us there!


Not another personality test…

Have you ever wondered why you’re different? Why you think the way you do? Why you make decisions the way you do?

In business, it’s critical to have self awareness so we can identify our strengths and weaknesses to ensure that we are the best business leaders possible.

The Enneagram can be a practical guide for small-town entrepreneurs looking to better understand their own business habits and instincts. By figuring out which of the nine Enneagram types they are, these business owners can pinpoint their strong suits and the areas where they might not be as strong.

This knowledge can help them make smarter decisions, deal with stress more effectively, and recognize new chances. It's especially useful in a small town, where building strong personal relationships and a solid reputation in the community can make or break a business.

Using the Enneagram can help small-town entrepreneurs lead their businesses with a clear sense of direction and build teams that truly click, all while staying true to what makes their local business special.

Whenever you’re ready, there are a few ways I can help you.

Done With You: I can work alongside you to execute marketing efforts and growth strategies.

Done For You: I can fully implement marketing efforts and growth strategies for you.

Coaching: I can help you unlock the knowledge you already have and show you how to use it properly to develop your marketing efforts and growth strategies.

To discuss any of the ways I can help you, simply reply to this e-mail and let me know what you are looking for.


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6