The Ruralpreneur #12 - What's Coming in 2024

Empowering small town entrepreneurs to expand their businesses using digital tools and ecommerce

Today’s Shower Thoughts:

  • “Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “Did you try turning it off, and turning it back on?”

  • Math is the only place where someone can buy 50 watermelons and 40 cantaloupes, and nobody asks any questions.

  • Finally is pronounced “final-e” and finale is pronounced “fi-nally.”

🎧 NEW! Listen or watch: The Ruralpreneur Podcast episode 6 has launched on Youtube and Spotify…. This one is with Patrick Pleiss and we discuss a variety of topics around marketing from funnels to "taking your medicine".

We just launched an account on Instagram so join us there!


Your Hard Earned Dollars At Work

Small town business owners have seen an increasing number of ways to spend their marketing budgets online and 2024 brings a continuing shift in those efforts.

Working Nat Geo GIF by National Geographic Channel

Gif by natgeochannel on Giphy

This ever changing world of marketing is much more extensive and nothing like the days of old. Remember when landing space in the Yellow Pages was considered valuable?


Starting An E-mail Newsletter

In small towns, trust is key. With a newsletter, you can share stories and products that your community will love. This helps build trust and keeps customers coming back.

When you spend money on email marketing, you often get more back in sales. Email newsletters work better than most other advertising methods online…


Make The Leap

For business owners in small towns, going digital might feel like a big step. But remember, the heart of business stays the same online: people buy from people they trust.

You already have trust from your community. Now, let's show that trust to a bigger audience online. Start your digital expansion now.


Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Matthew 7:13-14