The Ruralpreneur #1 - Inaugural Edition

Perseverance is the drive that keeps pushing us forward. Consider the case of a tenacious high school student, eager to secure a summer job.

"Didn’t I see you here just last week?" inquired the manager, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, sir," the student responded promptly.

"And didn’t I mention that I was looking for someone a bit older?"

The young man nodded, "Indeed, sir. That’s why I returned. I’m a week older now."

In today's email:

  • Backroads Boss Lady: From homeless to multi-million dollar e-commerce in a town of 1,500

  • Sell the sizzle not the steak: Using aspiration to generate sales

  • Boost sales with e-mail marketing: Creating your own(ed) marketing channel in a few easy steps

🎧Listen or watch: The Ruralpreneur Podcast episode 1 launches on Youtube and Spotify


Small town boutique is one of the nation's fastest growing

In 2011, Jessi Roberts took her last bit of savings and opened up a boutique called Cheekys in her home town of New Plymouth, Idaho. Cheekys apparel and accessories brand resonated with its audience and began growing quickly. Today it has grown to now occupy more than 25% of the downtown area in New Plymouth.

At one point the owner planned to build a large 20,000 square foot building, but decided agaist it and began to invest in the existing buildings in New Plymoth, hoping to help revitalize the community.

Today, Cheekys communicates with over 2 million fans and customers on a weekly basis through Facebook Live and other online methods. Pretty impressive for a business in a little town of 1,500.

Just two weeks ago, the family that owns the company lost their home in a fire. Their staff and the entire home town is rallying around them. Isn't that what's so amazing about small town communities?


How dreams and aspirations help drive sales

Think about it. Why do you make the purchases you make? Most people want the product because it will take them from their current place to a place that they want to be.

A new hairdo, for instance, promises an enhancement to physical appearance. It can make the consumer feel more attractive and confident.

Aspiration is what drives the customer's journey from start to finish in the purchasing process.

Today's brands are getting more strategic about approaching consumers through their hopes and dreams, not just on technical aspects or product descriptions.

As a small town entrepreneur, you've got to be able to convince that person across the country from you that you can fulfill their deepest desires with your product or service. Here’s a quick guide to get you started.


E-mail marketing

You’re reading one right now. If you aren’t sending e-mails on a regular cadence to customers and subscribers… why?

The vast majority of e-mail users check their inboxes every day (99%). If you’re like me, you probably check it hourly, or even more often. Of these users that check their inbox every day, 58% do it as soon as they wake up (HubSpot).

You may say “I don’t have a list” or “I don’t know how to get started”. Doesn’t matter. Everybody started at zero in the beginning. Round up friends and family who may want to support you or your venture and get them to subscribe to your list.

One of the great things about living in rural and small towns is that everybody wants to see each other succeed and grow the profile of their community. Your fans are going to want to support you.

As far as how to get started? Well, we have a strategy you can read about here. Maybe we should record a podcast episode to walk you through it… thoughts?


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

John 15:12 ESV